終於下定決心將 Nginx 換到 Caddy 這套用 Go 語言所撰寫的開源套件,大家一定會有所疑問『為什麼要換掉 Nginx 而改用 Caddy』,原因其實很簡單,你現在看的 Blog 安裝在 Linode 機器上面,之前跑的是 Nginx 搭配 letsencrypt,但是必須要寫一個 Scripts 來自動更新 letsencrypt 憑證,這機制最後不太運作,加上這一年來,每三個月就會有人丟我說『你的 Blog 憑證過期了』,所以就在這時間點,花點時間把 Nginx 設定調整到 Caddy,轉換的時間不會花超過一小時喔。
轉換 WordPress
目前自己只有三個服務,其中一項就是現在的 Blog 是用 WordPress 架出來的,先來看看原先 Nginx 設定server { # don't forget to tell on which port this server listens listen 80; # listen on the www host server_name blog.wu-boy.com; location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { alias /var/www/dehydrated/; } # and redirect to the non-www host (declared below) return 301 https://blog.wu-boy.com$request_uri; } server { listen ssl http2; location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ { alias /var/www/dehydrated/; } ssl_certificate /etc/dehydrated/certs/blog.wu-boy.com/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/dehydrated/certs/blog.wu-boy.com/privkey.pem; # The host name to respond to server_name blog.wu-boy.com; # Path for static files root /home/www/blog/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; access_log /home/www/blog/log/access.log; error_log /home/www/blog/log/error.log; # Specify a charset charset utf-8; # disable autoindex autoindex off; # Deliver 404 instead of 403 "Forbidden" error_page 403 /403.html; # Custom 404 page error_page 404 /404.html; # stop image Hotlinking # ref: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_referer_module.html location ~ .(gif|png|jpe?g)$ { valid_referers none blocked server_names; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; } } location = / { index index.html index.html index.php; } include h5bp/basic.conf; include h5bp/module/wordpress.conf;看到都頭昏眼花了。這還沒有附上
的設定呢。接著我們看一下 Caddy 的設定
blog.wu-boy.com { root /home/www/blog/www gzip fastcgi / unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock php rewrite { if {path} not_match ^\/wp-admin to {path} {path}/ /index.php?{query} } }有沒有差異很大,Caddy 強調的就是簡單,而且會自動更新網站憑證。
轉換 CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter 跟 Laravel 架構一樣,所以設定方式也差不多codeigniter.org.tw { root /home/www/ci/www gzip fastcgi / unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock php rewrite { if {path} not_match ^\/(forum|user_guide|userguide3) to {path} {path}/ /index.php?{query} } }
透過 Proxy 設定其他服務
如果你有啟動其他服務,可以透過 proxy 方式來設定xxxx.wu-boy.com { proxy / localhost:8081 { websocket transparent } }